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SQM.progdev tech

SQM.progdev: the instrument for programme development


SQM.progdev is an online instrument for the structured development of policies, of action and funding programmes. 

A task management tool (like in SQM.project) helps to organise the process and to build up the programme structure (like in SQM.guide). Sets of preconfigured and editable tasks and forms - which rely on many years of programme development experience in different European countries - help to design an appropriate programme development process in a short period of time.  

As in all SQM instruments the SQM analysis framework provides a coherent structure for the different analysis and ex-ante appraisal steps. A variety of forms and tools make it easy to involve external expertise and groups of local actors. 

The result may be a differentiated programme with an elaborate system of objectives and indicators which may be directly transferred to SQM.guide or SQM.progman 

For a more detailed description see the technical details.


SQM.progdev (SQM programme development) will be available early in 2004.

There will be a range of licenses of different sizes.


Last update: 23.10.03