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  SQM - Sustainable Quality Management ®


About Us




SQM Network

SQM-praxis is building up a Europe wide network of independent consultants who are trained and experienced in using and implementing SQM methods and tools.

At present there are only two consulting companies fully acquainted with SQM:

  • EURES Institute for regional Studies in Europe
    Basler Str. 19, D-79100 Freiburg i.Br. , Germany
    Tel. +49 (761) 70441-0, Fax +49 (761) 70441-44 
    mail: freiburg@eures.de, web: www.eures.de 
    working languages: German, English, French, Italian

  • SRS Studio Ricerche Sociali
    via G.B. Amici 20, I-50131 Firenze, Italy
    Tel. +39 (055) 500 06 06, Fax: +39 (055) 500 22 02
    mail: srs@dada.it, web: www.srseuropa.it
    working languages: Italian, English

Four different certificates have been defined that will be awarded to appropriately trained SQM consultants (see SQM Training)


Last update: 16.10.03