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About Us




The Founders and Directors

Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser

born 1952

1961-70 European School Varese /IT: European Baccalaureate

1970-77 University of Bern/ CH: Diploma in Physics

1978-85 Free lance journalist in Bern/Switzerland: environment, energy policy, science

1986-88 Researcher, Institute for Ecological Economics IÖW, Bonn/ DE: 'Regional Technology Policy'

1989-     Founder and director EURES - Institute for Regional Studies in Europe, Freiburg/ DE: regional development, sustainable development, transport, environment, EU policies, intercultural cooperation

working languages: German, Italian, English, French, (Spanish)

main publications

Filippo Strati

born 1951 

1969-75 University of Florence/IT

1980-84 University of Rome/IT: laurea in Sociology

1971-78 Member of regional and provincial trade unions

1978-84 Member and executive officer of the National Transport Union' board

1984-87 Professional assignments on behalf of the Region of Tuscany: employment policy, transport

1989-     Founder and director of SRS - Studio Richerche Sociali Florence/IT: employment policy, regional development, sustainable development, transport

working languages: Italian, English, (French)

main publications



Last update: 02.12.03