
Sustainable Development global

United Nations - Sustainable Development

Provides information concerning national efforts towards SD as well as general information about CSD and SD on a global level


Official homepage of the United Nations Environmental Programme

UN - Johannesburg Summit 2002

Official UN website for the Johannesburg Summit 2002

EU - Sustainable Development and Environment

Commission´s website featuring a presentation of the EU environmental and development services and activities

EEA - European Environmental Agency

Website provides a lot of environmental data, indicators, country information

OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Several sites on sustainable development
Global Vision - Communicating Sustainability  

IISD – International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winipeg, Ottawa, Geneva

Website contains information about almost all policy fields; interesting information concerning environmental issues and SD in OECD countries

IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development, London, Edinburgh, Dakar

Research institute providing expertise in researching and achieving sustainable development at local, national, regional and global levels

SEI - Stockholm Environmental Institute, Stockholm

Independent, international research institute specializing in sustainable development and environment issues

CDE - Centre for Development and Environment, Berne

Concerned with development and environment in the South and the North, with a special emphasis on sustainable management of natural resources.

SERI - Sustainable Europe Research Institute

Pan-European think tank aiming to explore sustainable development options for European societies

IEEP - Institute for European Environmental Policy, London, Brussels

Independent, not for profit organisation dedicated to the analysis and development of European environmental policy; other issues: transport, agriculture, fisheries, regional development

Wuppertal-Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie

German research institute active in the area of applied sustainability research

CESSE - Centre for Economic and Social Studies for the Environment, Brussels

Research institute which devotes its activities to the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of economic-environmental interactions

ProSus - Program for Research and Documentation for a Sustainable Society, Oslo

Research programme established by The Research Council of Norway; principal goal is to produce knowledge for the realisation of a sustainable society

WRI - World Resources Institute, Washington

Important research institute investigating the human impact on the environment on a global level

NSSD - National Strategies for Sustainable Development

Resource and network site providing links and information concerning national sustainable development strategies all over the world; run by the IIED

WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva

Coalition of 150 international companies united by a shared commitment to sustainable development
Nachhaltigkeitsrat German Council for Sustainable Development
Dialog zur deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie  
Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung Nachhaltiger Entwicklung Interdisciplinary network of scientist at the Humboldt University Berlin

Internet platform containing downloads, links and information; monthly changing issue - Research Focus Managing Sustainability, Vienna

University institute focusing especially on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development
Environnement en général et développement durable The French government site on Evironment and Sustainable Development
ETD - Entreprises Territoires et Développement Institution providing advice and coordination concerning local development methodologies
Sustainable Mediterranean  
Aachener Stiftung  
Sustainable Development International  
Sustainability Webring  
Agora 21  

Sustainable Development local

ICLEI – International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Freiburg

International environmental agency for local governments; aim is to build and serve a worldwide network of local governments to achieve sustainable development
OECD - Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme  
ENSURE - European Network on Sustainable Urban and Rural Development  
EuroIDEES - European Association for Local Economic Development, Employment and Solidarity  
AEIDL - European Association for Information on Local Development  
EBN - European Business and Innovation Centre Network  
EDGE - Entrepreneurship Development Group Europe  
EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies  


UNDP - Evaluation Office

Website provides methodological, project and guideline information

OECD PUMA - Programme Evaluation

OECD`s Public Management Unit provides information, reports and guidelines about programme evaluation

EU - Evaluation Site

Commission´s evaluation site providing key documents, important links and project reports

World Bank - Operation Evaluation Department, Washington

Independent unit within the World Bank; website contains information about country and sector evaluation

European Evaluation Society, Brussels

Goal is to promote theory, practice and utilization of high quality evaluation especially within the European countries

American Evaluation Association, Fairhaven

Devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation

UK Evaluation Society

Promotes and improves the theory, practice understanding and utilisation of evaluation and its contribution to public knowledge

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Evaluation e.V., Cologne

German Evaluation Society

Seval - Schweizerische Evaluationsgesellschaft, Geneva

Swiss Evaluation Society

INTEVAL - International Research Group on Policy and Programme Evaluation

Research group/network dealing with evaluation issues; its present membership covers more than 20 countries; website provides some information concerning evaluation

C3E - Centre for European Evaluation Expertise, Lyon

Offers assistance to administrations for evaluations, auditing and managemen

Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS

News service focusing on developments in monitoring and evaluation methods

Monitoring and Evaluation Webring

WebRing that links Monitoring & Evaluation-related sites of donor agencies, counterpart agencies, researchers, consultants and independent evaluation experts from different countries

Evaluation of sustainable development

ICLEI - Local Authorities' Self Assessment of Local Agenda (LASALA)

Project carrying out a tele-guided, concerted self-assessment of Local Agenda 21

Joint Research Center - SD Indicators Dashboard

Framework and visualisation of SD indicators; website contains handbook and downloads

ECOTEC Research and Consulting, Birmingham

International company providing services in the fields of Economic, Environmental, Social and RTD/Innovation policy

Universität Saarland - Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, Saarbrücken

German university institute with focus on evaluation research (among others)

SEI - PoleStar

Project site; PoleStar aims to develop and apply appropriate methods, concepts and data for sustainability planning; also provides software tools

IIED - Strategies, Planning and Assessment Programme

Research programme on strategic planning and related issues at national to local levels

ERCIM - Sustainable Development and Integrated Assessment

Project of ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics about SD and integrated Assessment

CDE - SDA Sustainable Development Appraisal

Comprehensive tool which enables project planners to establish processes of participatory planning and to initiate implementation of activities contributing to sustainable development

Sustainable development indicators

UNEP Indicator Website

Resource website providing a lot of information about different indicator projects
UNEP - Earthwatch Catalyst for all environmental monitoring and assessment activities throughout the entire UN system

UNEP - GEO-2000

Global environmental assessment process conducted by UNEP; website contains reports and data

EEA - Indicators

Website provides indicators, data and reprts to different environmental themes

IISD - Compendium of Sustainable Development Indicator Initiatives

This website provides an overview of initiatives on sustainable development indicators being carried out at the international, national and provincial/territorial/state levels

Joint Research Center - SD Indicators Dashboard

Framework and visualisation of SD indicators; website contains handbook and downloads

CSD - Indicators

Indicators, framework and methodology of the CSD

Wuppertal Institut - MIPS online

Website about the MIPS indicator
IFEN Sustainable Development indicators for France

Pastille - Promoting Action for Sustainability Through Indicators at the Local Level in Europe

European research project to examine the processes of indicator development on the local level in different European countries

CESSE - Centre for Economic and Social Studies for the Environment, Brussels

Website contains a bibliography about SD indicators

SEI - Methods

Environmental assessment tools and methodologies including computer models, impact evaluation methodologies, GIS, and environmental and social assessment techniques utilises by SEI

TEPI - Towards Environmental Pressure Indicators for the EU

Multi-annual project of the Statistical Office of the European Commission (EUROSTAT); aim is to calculate and present priority pressure indicators for all 15 EU Member States

Global Reporting Initiative

Established with the mission of developing globally applicable guidelines for reporting on the economic, environmental, and social performance, initially for corporations and eventually for any business, governmental, or NGO

Sustainable Measures, N. Andover

Private consulting firm dedicated to promoting sustainable communities; website provides information about SD indicators, database and training

Management tools for sustainable development

IIED - Strategies, Planning and Assessment Programme

Research programme on strategic planning and related issues at national to local levels

Last update: 15.10.03